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In Your Corner

As buyer's agents, we advocate for your best interests. We use our expertise, resources, and connections to ensure that you save time, money and energy throughout the house-hunting process.

Learn more about our services below.

What Sets Us Apart

What Sets Us Apart

How I Assist Buyers

What We Do For Home Buyers

Financial Support

I identify a feasible budget that suits your target area and property must-haves, and I use my connections to match you with the perfect lender.

Submitting Offers

I work hard to ensure that your offer is airtight, ironclad, and submitted quicker than those of your competition.

Access to Off-Market Properties

I track down potential “perfect-fit” property options, including off-market properties that other buyers can’t easily access.

Managing Viewings

I schedule and facilitate viewings, assist you with property decisions, and help you stay ahead of other potential buyers.


I thoroughly research the seller and present a well-crafted proposal that gives you the best chance of getting your offer accepted.

Marketing & Advertising

I execute a custom marketing plan, launch digital and print advertising campaigns, and execute a variety of tactics that are guaranteed to get the seller’s attention.

Avoiding and Handling Issues

I resolve any issues that may arise with opposing parties, the inspection, title, or escrow, while my team keeps your transaction running smoothly.

Guidance and Advocation

I’m available to provide you with expertly guided advice and to answer any questions that you may have throughout the entire process.

As your agent, I’m not just a guide - I’m your advocate. I’m committed to representing your best interests at every turn.

More Value That I Bring as Your Agent

  • I protect and promote your interests, not the seller's.

  • I use my experience and resources to ensure that you get the best deal possible, not the seller.

  • I find properties that meet your needs at the lowest price negotiable and on favorable terms, instead of at the highest price possible and on the seller’s terms.

  • I negotiate a price and terms on your behalf, not on behalf of the seller.

  • I make every effort to have the seller cover as much of the the buyer’s agent commission as possible.

  • I disclose all material facts that could affect your decision or the price paid.

Let’s take the next step towards securing your dream home together!